Cocktails and Content: May 4th Event at Bakery Village


The Urban Land Institute of Louisiana  cordially invites you to attend  “Cocktails and Content” on May 4th with at Bakery Village  the Irish Channel. See the beautiful new Greek Revival and Gothic Revival single family homes designed by Adamick Architecture for Bakery Village.

Wednesday, May 4th, 5:30-7:30pm, Bakery Village, 2354 St. Thomas St., New Orleans, LA. “Cocktails & Content: Bakery Village with Livewell Properties” hosted by Urban Land Institute of Louisiana and Nicole Webre of Webre Consulting and Livewell Properties, LLC. House tour, information, and refreshments. Free for ULI members, $25/person for non-members. RSVP.

Please see ULI Louisiana for full event invitation and reservations.