Michael Vega

B.Arch., AIA, Architect


Michael Vega

Michael brings 16 years of local and regional architectural experience to the firm. His knowledge and skills have been developed over hundreds of projects, from award-winning high-rise hotel complexes covering hundreds of thousands of square feet and costing tens of millions of dollars, to small but sturdy maintenance sheds for the public cemeteries around New Orleans. Over that time, he has used and developed new technologies and techniques to achieve concrete results for clients. Michael has also been leading the community design efforts in New Orleans, through the local chapters of Architecture for Humanity and later Open Architecture New Orleans. He spends his spare time giving back to the community via Open Architecture New Orleans, slowly trying to highpoint all 50 states, kayaking, swing dancing, flying tiny Cessnas older than himself, and playing lead trumpet in New Orleans’s nerd parade. He has spent several years trying to out-design his pair of mischievous cats, and is now brokering a delicate peace between them and his wife’s overly-friendly and curious corgi.

We are looking for an Architectural Designer to join the team!